Life is good out here in West Texas. I am still working for county government, and I am trying to get a couple of service projects up and running. In addition, I spend lots of time with my family. As hard as I fought it, my family now has me addicted to a novela, but luckily, it’s just one and not the typical block of three that goes from 6:00-9:00 on Univision. My brother, my sister, and their families often come over to enjoy a meal cooked by my mom and to watch the novela together. These are the kinds of shows I tend to stay away from because I often cannot deal with the suspense. LOST would certainly give me a heart attack, I am sure. I grow impatient about what will happen next, and this is why I usually stick to comedies. Even then, I often find the suspense in the storylines to be very taxing on my nerves. Let’s hope that the novela causes only minimal damage.
I am reading again for fun and loving it. The plan is to continue reading something on an academic interest and then to supplement it with pleasure reading. My academic read is about human resource management. Exciting. Well, it’s exciting to me anyway. My current pleasure read is another Vonnegut book, Hocus Pocus, and it does not disappoint. He tells a story in a simple, funny way, but through it all, a powerful, important message emerges. My next project will be a nonfiction book about the Civil War.
I am also planning to explore my backyard a little further. Out in West Texas, we have beautiful Big Bend National Park and numerous state parks, and I look forward to camping soon.

Yes, life’s pace is much slower out here, but I have every intention of making life just as exciting.
Yay! I'm so glad you posted on your blog! I can't believe you're addicted to a novela. That is hilarious. Every now and then when I flip past them on Univision, I can't help but watch for a few minutes. They are so dramatic! Love it.
Keep updating your blog, slacker! It's so fun to see what you're up to. You should be glad you're not in Michigan - it has been beyond cold and gray and nasty out. Post pictures of the warmth out there! I will live vicariously through you.
Slogger, maybe?
Glad you're back go the blogging world :)
I once had this friend named Jonathan Fuentes, but then there was that brief period of estrangement where I think we were both growing as people. But here we are again. Its just like old times. I'm very moved.
Hoo! Brian, that's a good one! Jonathan, I'm so glad you're doing well! It appears we've switched places and I am not reading for pleasure as much as I'd like. I did just pick up an Agatha Christie I haven't read yet, so I'm excited about that! Have fun in the warmth, and I hope no one comes back from the dead in your novela. It always freaked me out when that happened on General Hospital.
Jonathan! I miss you! I am going to be in Texas on Saturday- and I can't wait. Are you laying out every day and eating your heart's content of Tex-Mex? Because those are on the top of my to do list...
p.s. I am taking a class on Human Resource Management right now. I love it!
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