I shared a story with a few friends yesterday and today, and I thought that I would share it with others in order to elicit opinions. I was walking to class Wednesday morning, and I happened to bump into one of my classmates on my way there. This was my first conversation with the girl, and as I look back on it, I am a little frightened to think about her opinion of me. Here's how it went down:
I crossed the street and encountered the girl. We exchanged pleasantries, and she then asked for the time. I told her that it is 8:20. Our class starts at 8:30, but the professors really don't begin lecturing until 8:40, as is customary in most schools. She said that she was proud of herself for being ten minutes earlier than she usually is. I told her that I was ten minutes later than usual, and she must have noticed that I was speedwalking (I guess she was about five feet behind me as she said this) because she said that she would speedwalk with me. Honestly, I was really upset at myself for leaving later than my usual time, and I really was on a race to the classroom before I encountered her. That morning, I became so wrapped up in reading political commentary, and I left later than usual. Anyway, I told her not to worry about speedwalking because I really was attempting to not be as punctual as I usually am. I told her about how much time I waste showing up early to ev
erything. She said, "Wow, you're really trying to rein in your anal side." I agreed. What?!! Why did I agree? By trying to control my anal side, I perhaps come across as even more anal. I really do think about efficiency quite a bit, and thinking about efficiency as much as I do makes me a little anal. I do not think I am out of control, though.

There is another component to this time-wasting, and it is the answer I should have given. I show up early to every class, and I often get frustrated not because I waste so much time, but because I am really bored during this time. I usually have all my reading done, so I sit there. And wait. And wait. That answer would have made me seem less anal and much cooler, which I think (or hope) I am. Instead, this girl thinks I am a freak. lol.
So, am I as laid back, cool, and collected as I think I am, or did I give this girl the right impression of me? Chances are that I will listen to your words, argue against them, and end up at my desired conclusion. Delusional, that's another one of my issues, but we should probably tackle one at a time! Still, let me know.
1 comment:
Hmmm.... how do I say this? Trying to be gentle here.... Yes, you're anal.
I'm kidding. I guess I don't know how to describe you because I've never known anyone as punctual as you! What's wrong with showing up on time? Why do you consider that "late"?
That's pretty funny that that girl said that to you!! :)
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